An online training platform for a Global Childhood

Hello I am delighted to welcome you to our Adventures. Over the last 30 years, being a teacher, lecturer, author, designer and consultant has filled my head with so many ideas, pieces of knowledge and scientific facts, theories and thinking I had to package it all and share it. I love learning, I love developing ideas and thinking around all things early years. By listening to specialists, reading wise words, exploring scientific knowledge and being excited by passionate players my Adventures have been shaped. We all want what’s best for our children. We all hope that our practice and pedagogy makes a positive impact when laying the foundations of playful learning.

Discover Adventures with Alice

Adventures with Alice is a digital training programme for anyone involved in the learning and development of children aged 0 to 5. It's a programme designed to reignite your passion for play, promote the best possible practice and inspire ideas that will enable every child to grow and learn, laying the foundations for their future. Each adventure in the programme merges theory, cutting edge thinking and translates it into active play and learning.

What’s Included

When you join the Adventures programme, you will have access to inspiring films bringing early learning to life. You will have a series of magazines bursting with thinking and theory, sharing the latest on child development and learning as well as a collection of amazing practical play ideas on our inspiring provocation cards. Each Adventure includes Alice sharing theory, thinking and practice through films, magazines, poster activity cards and reflective tasks.

Educational Films

Each adventure has roughly an hour of film training on it's subject, that's six hours per volume! But don't worry they're broken into small 5-10 minute sections to make them easy to get through.


Echoing and extending the themes brought to life in the films. Each magazine focuses on one subject and offers opportunities for you on your own, or with your team to reflect, question and improve your setting.

Powerful Provocation Cards

Each adventure comes with a series of 9 poster cards, packed full of provocations to make you think. A quick and easy way to immediately find ideas for practical play possibilities.


volume 1

Adventures with Alice: Volume 1

Our journey into how we lead a child to learn is vital to ensure we lay the foundation stones for all other learning! What do we need to surround them with for them to be excited and intrigued to engage and involve themselves in Play? Each of our Adventures in Volume One sees us introduce our Six Golden Threads. Curiosity, Connection, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Wellbeing.

In This Volume:

11. Curiosity
Well you must be curious if you have decided to consider the need for change… We begin with the child, their senses and how their innate curiosity should be enabled, supported and encouraged through play. We look at how a child’s curiosity leads them to investigate and make discoveries when they are surrounded by a rich provocative environment. We home in on the adult and their role as the biggest resource, celebrating the child and their curiousness.
12. Connection
Is all about connections and relationships. We explore the difference between bonding, attachment and attunement. We consider how they look in our establishments. We dip into the ten key emotional needs of our children and how we develop and enable them through play. We also reflect on connection to themselves, their peers, their families and communities, to the places and spaces we set up and share and to the resources they interact with.
13. Language Development
Our focus moves to communication and the art of speaking and listening. We discover a wide range of research on body language, tone and vocabulary development. We explore the pyramid of language and the importance of the foundation stones being placed to the tip of being a confident and effective communicator and collaborator.
14. Thinking
I am intrigued by the fact that as adults we never really think about thinking. How does my brain process all that’s going on around me and make sense of it? How does the brain and my heart connect? We ‘visit’ the array of thinking our children engage in self-management, participative, working together, reflective, enquiry, creative and enquiry thinking.
15. Creativity
There was so much to share around thinking that the Creativity adventure expands on the ideas already introduced. We look at creativity in its widest sense. Considering the creative process, inventiveness, freedom and possibility thinking. We explore and suggest many concepts and ideas to stimulate the creative juices in all areas of play.
16. Wellbeing
Although this is the final golden thread of pedagogy we share it is in fact more important than the others. It was a struggle not making this our first adventure but we wanted to put context clearly in place before highlighting the importance of our considerations around emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. This is a celebration of self-esteem, self-worth and value, how we share play to promote each. Exploration of the stages of social engagement, collaboration and core strengths for self-efficacy are dipped into. It’s all about children being active in mind, body and heart.
volume 2

Adventures with Alice: Volume 2

The six adventures in volume two are all about enrichment of play. We continue with films, little nuggets, bursts of thinking around our provision of play. Each page within the magazines have little ‘tasks’, ‘missions’ for you to carry out and consider. Although they are not compulsory, they are incredibly helpful for producing data and evidence. They also encourage pedagogical conversations too! And more cards cascading ideas to enhance every day in play.

In This Volume:

17. STEM
It would seem that never a day goes past when STEM isn’t talked about, thought about or engaged in. STEM, as we know, stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. They are often grouped together because when you explore one, you’ll always touch on the others. They are all linked. After all, engineering and technology are all about using science and maths to make things (from cars to computer software). So, it makes sense to explore them together, rather than individually. Our STEM adventure engages us in the world of possibilities.
18. Becoming a Reader
Books, Books, Books, they open windows and doors to other worlds. Being able to read allows us to meet real and imagined characters that we may never meet in any other way, and enter worlds that are beyond our imaginings! Our adventure makes sure we excite, stimulate and ignite a passion for reading in all of our children. We think about the reading process, how we support and enable it. We look closely at the key skills needed to become a confident and keen reader and we dip into the world of phonics.
19. Marvellous Malleables
If the five doors into the brain are the five senses, malleable materials are the best possible stimulus to open these doors. In this adventure we of course visit the staples of malleables such as gloop dough and clay but we encourage you to be inventive and creative, to think out of the box in how you share and present these to the children. Then of course we shine a light on quirky and unusual materials and how they link to the curriculum offer we have. We also highlight the breadth and depth of engagement and thinking each child engages in when up to their elbows in mud!
20. Sand &Water
Wander through any nursery and you’re guaranteed to find spaces set up for children to engage in sand and water play, probably both indoors and out. Sand and water areas are such staples of nursery provision that it’s easy to forget to ask the big questions about them: Why are they always there? What do children learn from sand and water play? How do we excite and ignite sparks for learning in these areas? This adventure is all about taking our continuous provision and enriching and enhancing it. We go back to basics in order to plan how we might introduce new thinking, reinforce skills and support or children progression and understanding of sand and water.
21. Stepping Outdoors
Children are naturally drawn to playing outside and there are numerous benefits; exploring a different environment, developing muscle strength and coordination. It increases flexibility, motor skills and confidence. And of course it goes without saying that there are many health benefits too. Fresh air helps… Soothe your nerves. It will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed. Sleep more soundly at night. Clear your mind, improve your concentration, and help you to think more clearly. Alter your brains’ levels of serotonin which helps to improve your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being. We explore all of this and so much more in our Stepping Outdoors adventure.
22. The Imagination Zone
Every child’s imagination is captured by an exciting image, story or situation. Setting up ‘zones’ for learning which stimulate children’s thinking and engagement helps children make sense of the learning they are involved in. As they meet new inhabitants or discover new artefacts and resources children are eager to investigate, discuss and consider these new experiences. This adventure will challenge our thinking around how the mind works, what is imagination, how is it linked to memory? Anyone who has watched children playing in a well-resourced ‘imagination zone’ with involved adults will have observed the joy and excitement the children experience as they make fresh discoveries. We suggest a plethora of ways to extend your thinking.
volume 3

Adventures with Alice: Volume 3

Take the bold step into leading pedagogy and play to enhance quality practice. Take time to create your own palette of pedagogy for each individual setting. Move forward confidently and intrinsically weaving together knowledge, theory, skills and practice. Your team will be inspired to co-create a magical place to learn with children.

In This Volume:

24. Child Centred Pedagogy
As early years staff we should always ensure that we put the child at the heart of everything we do. Yes, that is right for curriculum learning but it is also imperative for early development too. There has to be excitement, motivation as well as purpose for leading a child to learn and reflection from staff, parents and the children on the learning taking place. If not, how can we truly know the learning and progression for each child. There is investigation and discussion on the environment for a child to learn as well as the values agreed within the setting and does this meet the values of staff and parents. And as with all Adventures with Alice, there are links to theory, curricula and current thinking.
25. Pedagogy of Communication
There is a plethora of information, guidance, expectation, support and strategies around language, speech, vocabulary as well as verbal and non-verbal communication. This issue informs on all of these in the context of early years. There are magic moments of how to develop adultchild interaction, there are links to language and self regulation. The importance of the homecorner and small world play and the benefits of keeping it familiar for children to practice language as well as play. Communication can also be the stimulus for imagination and thinking for both the staff and the children. An opportunity for staff to learn from the children, learn new books together, new language too if English is a second language. To always walk alongside the children when learning. Skills are also introduced and explained, dialogic reading and scaffolding.
26. Pedagogy of Discovery
Again there is a wealth of discussion around exploration, not only for the children but for the adults too. When planning for experiences and activities do staff have effective discussions around pedagogy and play? Prepare, practice and participation should be the daily tune for staff to ensure active listening, evaluation and purposeful play is available to all children. The debates within this issue include colouring in, plastic v’s natural resources and the importance of imaginative play within home corners, construction areas and outdoor play. Bob Hughes’ Taxonomy of Play and Fairy Dust Teaching’s Authentic Play are highlighted within exploring pedagogy as is Belbin’s Team Roles.
27. Exploring Pedagogy
Again there is a wealth of discussion around exploration, not only for the children but for the adults too. When planning for experiences and activities do staff have effective discussions around pedagogy and play? Prepare, practice and participation should be the daily tune for staff to ensure active listening, evaluation and purposeful play is available to all children. The debates within this issue include colouring in, plastic v’s natural resources and the importance of imaginative play within home corners, construction areas and outdoor play. Bob Hughes’ Taxonomy of Play and Fairy Dust Teaching’s Authentic Play are highlighted within exploring pedagogy as is Belbin’s Team Roles.
28. Sharing your Pedagogy
29. Creating an evolving Pedagogy

Merging educational theory, cutting edge thinking and inspiring practice.

When you join the Adventures training programme, you will have access to inspiring films bringing early learning to life.

You will have a series of magazines bursting with thinking and theory, sharing the latest on child development and learning as well as a collection of amazing practical play ideas on our provocation cards.

Each Adventure includes Alice sharing theory, thinking and practice through films, magazines, activity cards and reflective tasks.

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Benefits of Joining

Have regular and accessible inspiration

A pathway and focus for current theory and thinking to be woven into practice

Have access to dynamic, flexible and adaptable ideas

Feel motivated, energised and supported to provide the best learning opportunities

Find confidence to be brave and bold in your provision

See clearly how to weave the current theory, research and thinking into improving your practice now

Develop your framework for reflective practice

Invest in your own continuous professional development, challenge your thinking and expand your knowledge


Adventures with Alice Vol.1

Ready to get started?

Begin your Adventure today!

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