Narrowing the Vocabulary Gap Conference

#Scotland – the best place to grow up!
A phrase we have been hearing and using for a few years now. Our aspirations in Early years is shaped around the belief that we can make this happen. Moving to the public health, collaborative model in Scotland has helped everyone in the Early Years sector regroup, evaluate and consider more deeply what every child needs in their earliest years.
Staying ahead in the vision
We are a training company, a wee clan of enthusiastic, committed and forward-thinking professionals. We love to attend training but most of all we are passionate about the research and development of content. There are so many ways to learn, deepen and broaden our understanding of a subject nowadays: read blogs, listen to podcasts, webinars, You Tube demonstrating effective and best practice to name a few so why bother with the time and cost for attending a conference. Because our approach at ‘Alice’ is an experiential one. Lively, energetic and provocative!
Why offer a conference then?
No matter how much we love our jobs, training presents a prime opportunity to expand our knowledge and thinking. This in turn helps us focus and move our practice forward for the benefit of our children and families. After an injection of stimulating and informative training we perform better, our confidence is reignited and we have a stronger belief in our responsibilities.
Finding your Mojo
Sometimes the daily challenges we face can wear us down, ‘fog’ our vision and lead us down paths that make us feel a bit lost. I believe in the idea that sometimes we have to take a break from the ‘work’ of our work to sharpen our skills and find our mojo!
Our conference was born
I guess as early years specialists we all have a fascination with one area of learning more than others. Mine changes quite often, depending on the current book or research I am reading, at the moment, it is language development, I can’t read enough, chat enough or argue enough about the current state of language development!
I immediately knew who I wanted as keynotes and my team are strong workshop leaders so content was born. Although I was nervous that we would struggle to fill a Saturday, that people would want another conference. I have been blown away. SOLD OUT with amazing delegates.
The story of our day…
Meet the influencers
Mine Conkbayir author of Early Childhood and Neuroscience. Her quiet tones, vibrantly vital messages almost whispered and BAM her message hits you between the eyes, it’s a bit like being mugged by a punk fairy!!
Michelle Larbey, author of Storytime Phonics through her work with Cambridge University and TTS. Michelle couldn’t be Wackier. Wild and exuberant, hysterical and ‘punchy’ and in fact is sometimes actually a ‘fairy’!
Networking opportunities were plentiful with delegates from Shetland, Argyll and the Islands, Angus, Perth and Kinross, Glasgow and across the rest of Scotland and beyond.
Fresh tools for the job
We were delighted with the ongoing support of Glasgow City Council, Community Play and TTS who helped bring an array of new products for our delegates to peruse.
Learning in a provocative space. I’ll let the photos tell the story.
Out of the comfort Zone
Can’t wait for the next one. I encourage you all to look for opportunities to attend training, with real people you can connect with, share with, laugh with, cry with. Emotional response and physical involvement create a stronger memory, stronger memories mean Practice Change.